Wildcat blues on the Dark Star, Manhattan & Moro, Aggieville
Set in Central Pennsylvania, Kansas, Southwest Florida, Australia, and West Africa, a new (2021) 1,391- page tour de force of 1960s anger and disaffection, rallying music, unfriendly skies, and millennial peace, in the on-the-road, anything-goes literary tradition, enlivened by 191 color and b&w illustrations.
From Dulce
World-class sports and undeclared wars, Café Intermezzo, Palo Alto
A trio of athletes–the first destined for baseball stardom with the San Francisco Giants, second an icy, Newport Beach world record-holder intent upon swimming to gold at the 1972 Olympics, and third a dark presence from the mesas of Indian Country, stricken with the uncertainty of a devastating taboo.
Cafe Whyoming
Famous music and espresso, old downtown Laramie
A superstar rock keyboard player, driving force as worn out as the late 1970s. Against a tableau of Rez highways, deep blue water, dreams, fine arts, and strong, honorable women, the prodigiously talented, superb musician cannot escape an outsider’s need to belong.
© Copyright 2022 by Craig McConnell